RFP: MMLS Automated Scheduling and Document Sharing Implementation

Mid-Missouri Legal Services is seeking bids from qualified vendors to implement automated scheduling for intake appointments and document sharing system for intake applicants for MMLS’s “Integrated Appointment Scheduling and Document Sharing Systems for Intake” project funded by Legal Services Corporation Technology Innovations Grant.

The Project Goal is to increase access to prompt legal services by implementing an automated scheduling system for intake applications and a document sharing solution to address problems with the current callback system and streamline the process of collecting and sharing documents for case review and client acceptance. MMLS has completed its first objective to conduct process mapping to identify barriers and improvements in intake workflow. The project objectives that are the subject of this RFP are to: 

• Implement automated scheduling for online intake appointments. 

• Implement automated scheduling for phone intake appointments. 

• Implement document sharing system for applicants.

The final project objective is to evaluate project implementation and outcomes. MMLS is seeking vendors to perform evaluation in a separate RFP and activities will occur at the same time as implementation of the automated scheduled and document sharing technology.

Please submit your proposal to Mid-Missouri Legal Services by close of business Friday, October 11, 2024. After all bids are received, they will be considered by the full Board of Directors. MMLS reserves the right to reject incomplete or non-responsive proposals.

See attached PDF for full details.

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