The webinar is Language Access Strategies for Legal Aid Websites and will look at some of the topics surrounding removing language as a barrier to access online content. We will cover topics including maintaining multilingual content, where machine translation fits into the translation workflow, and how are people with limited English currently using online resources. We don’t have the solid takeaways like in the phishing webinar but there were a few interesting points we discussed.
Legal Services Vermont (LSV) and Atlanta Legal Aid Society (ALAS) developed a web accessibility toolkit as part of their TIG-funded projects to enhance their statewide legal help websites. The organizations partnered with a consultant, David Berman Communications, to explore and implement best practices for making their website accessible to people with disabilities.
This toolkit covers:
Technology is accessible when designed to understand the needs of individuals with impaired abilities, and developed to create universal compatibility between users and computer systems. Assistive Technology is often the merger between people seeking to operate software, and programmers, who are developing the services being offered to the public.
Traditionally, journals have been read-only. Publishers would print out their volumes and ship them to their subscribers. Sharing was done in person, if at all, and there was little engagement. Now, however, there is a shift to reading nearly everything on the web. Journals, to stay alive and competitive, have needed to embrace modern trends.
Anna Steele – Director of Consulting, Just-Tech
Sergio Alcubilla – Director of External Relations, Legal Aid Society of Hawaii
Takao Yamada – CO-Founder,
Zizi Bandera – Community Engagement Coordinator, Immigration Advocates Network
Mirenda Meghelli – Partnership Manager, Pro Bono Net (Moderator)
LSNTAP talks you through how to ensure your organization's website is accessible and is utilizing current, up to date methods for use by people with fine motor control issues and for people who are hearing or vision impaired.
Remote testing
Remote testing allows you to conduct usability tests with the participants utilizing their own computers through online usability programs. Although these can be customized, overall the tests are between 15 and 30 minutes and contain 3-5 tasks per test. They can be moderated or unmoderated, depending on your needs and the platform.
Validation Test or Verification
Scenario: You are about to launch your new website!
What/Why: Validation tests ensure your website meets certain standards. Set benchmarks for how long tasks should take and evaluate your users against these benchmarks. This quantitative data is measured and can help identify any problem areas.
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