Data Specialist Office Hours

Event Details
Join your fellow Data Specialists and legal aid staff tasked with crunching data for our monthly office hours.
These office hours will occur monthly on the second Monday from 2 pm to 3 pm Eastern. Each month, a community member will share information on a topic of interest. Attendees will be able to ask questions, discuss relevant information, and receive feedback from the community.
Upcoming Dates and Topics to be Discussed:
March 11: Welcome to Data Office Hours Kickoff:Show and Tell (Share neat stuff you are doing with data and see what others are doing. Help us decide topics for future sessions)
April 8: Nate Vogel will discuss GIS and Mapping Tools
May 13: Mary Johnson will share information on PowerQuery
June 10: Susan Vincent will lead a discussion on Data Request Tracking
July 8:
August 12: Nate Vogel and Susan Vincent will give an Intro to QGIS and geojson
September 9: Sarah Freymiller will discuss Excel Mapping, and Excel Tips & Tricks
October 14: Susan Vincent will lead a discussion on essential skills for legal aid data folks
November 11: No meeting due to federal holiday
December 9: