Technology Assessment Preparation and Maintenance Toolkit

Introduction graphic



How to Use This Toolkit 

This toolkit is designed as a resource that offers guidance and actionable insights for legal aid programs seeking an enhanced understanding of technology assessments. Its intended audience is legal aid IT staff, executives/management, or tech-responsible staff who may be planning for a technology assessment, are unfamiliar with technology assessments within the legal aid context or are interested in learning more about the added value of assessment projects. 

For IT staff, this toolkit may be used to coordinate with management to ensure adequate internal capacity and resources for a successful technology assessment. Executives and management can utilize this toolkit to gain a high-level overview of the assessment's significance, thereby enabling informed decision-making and resource allocation. Tech-responsible staff involved in the judicious planning of technology assessments will find valuable strategic insights and best practices. By tailoring information to suit different roles and levels of expertise, this toolkit aims to facilitate a collaborative approach to assessing technology effectively within legal aid firms. 

How is This Toolkit Organized? 

Information is broken down into the following sections: 

  • What is a Technology Assessment?: Understand how a technology assessment is defined for the purposes of this toolkit and how it differs from a security audit and internal assessment.  

  • Before the Assessment: Learn suggestions that will help in preparing for an assessment. Examples include securing funding, assessing vendors, and conducting internal efforts to prepare the firm.  

  • During the Assessment: Gain familiarity with what to expect throughout a technology assessment and what is generally in the scope of an assessment.  

  • After the Assessment: Plan for suggested next steps following completion of a technology assessment project, action that should be taken during the interim periods, and building a culture of continuous improvement. 


Toolkit Description

The layout of this toolkit is intended to guide the reader throughout the stages of a technology assessment— from the preparation leading up to the assessment to the work that follows once an assessment is completed. 



This document is provided for informational purposes only. Users of this document must recognize the critical significance of IT security. Law firms should engage qualified vendors to ensure proper implementation of any technology and security recommendations. The authors are not accountable for any adverse outcomes resulting from misapplication; by using this document, readers accept that the authors bear no liability. It is the firm's responsibility to seek skilled personnel and unbiased IT recommendations. This document does not establish a client-consultant relationship. 


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